At any time, the customers can choose which account they want to take money from.

Change the payment source

Simply open the details of the payment method (physical card, contactless mobile payment, virtual card) and change the payment source.

There is a shortcut that allows the customer to change the payment source of their main card directly from the homepage or from an account view by clicking on the card icon.

Define the main card

From the home page, it is also possible to modify the the main card via a long press on the card wallet.

The main card of the customer is the one represented on the home page of the app. If the customer has several cards they can choose which one is the main card from the settings of the app in the "Main card" section.

Change the account debited after a payment

If the customer made a mistake by debiting the wrong account, they can change it afterwards. The source of a card transaction can be modified within the next 90 days following the payment.

To find out how, check out this article.

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