With "planned transactions", the customer receives an automatic, regular reminder to send or request money.

The benefits of a planned transaction

Planned transactions can be used to create an automatic reminder to make certain frequent payments :

  • pay their rent every month ;
  • Ask a relative a refund for a shared subscription (Netflix, Spotify) every month ;
  • Make a transfer between your accounts every week ;
  • Put some money aside on an account every day

Set up a planned transaction

The customer must go to the “Planned transactions” screen in the application, or click on this link from a mobile phone.

The customer selects the account to be funded or the contact to send or request money from. They then define the amount, frequency and title of the transaction. An end date can also be programmed.

How planned transactions function

To send money regularly

Depending on the frequency defined by the customer, at 7 a.m. the application will send a request that the customer must validate. The customer must then confirm or modify the payment method to be debited in order to send the money.

Payment never goes out automatically: the customer must first agree to send money.

To ask for money regularly

Depending on the frequency defined by the customer, at 7 a.m. the application will send a payment request to the chosen contact, and notify him or her of the request.

The request is sent automatically, but the recipient must agree to pay.

When the customer requests money with a planned transaction, his contact receives a notification or email with each new automatic request.

The contact will see the payment request at the bottom of their app's home screen, and will have 7 days to respond.

Planned transaction Duration

From the “planned transactions” screen, customers can choose to suspend or delete their reminder.

If an end date has been selected, the planned transaction will automatically be paused on that date.

Organizing planned transactions

Customers can create folders in the “planned transactions” screen of their application, to organize their sending or payment requests. For example, the customer can create a :

  • “Subscriptions”, for all payment requests related to subscriptions he pays for his relatives (Netflix, Spotify, BeIn Sport, etc.);
  • “Roommate”, for all payment requests related to roommate expenses (Groceries, Electricity, etc.);

Each existing planned transaction can be moved to a folder.

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