Customers can subscribe to Lydia Black+ with a monthly or annual subscription.

In both cases, the minimum commitment period is a year long. At the end of this period, the subscription is automatically renewed unless otherwise notified by the customer.

Offer payment

At the time of the customer’s subscription payment, the preferred means of payment will be used. If it was to fail, we would try to make the payment with the customer's Lydia main account.

If the payment still could not go through, we would try to incur a negative balance on the account. This allows customers not to lose their benefits.

Warning, if the customer still hasn’t funded their account for the next renewal, their offer will be definitely terminated.


If customers paid the subscription with their Lydia account, they will receive a transaction in their history.

Customers using the V.13 version of the application can no longer subscribe to Lydia Black+. To benefit from extensive limits, insurances, the concierge service and dedicated customer service, customers can choose the black card in-app.

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