To protect the customers' money, Sumeria offers to activate an additional biometric security measure before any money is sent, transferred or paid, as well as when the application is opened.

If the smartphone doesn’t support biometric authentication, the password will be requested. It is also possible to set a shorter security code instead.

Why use biometric authentication?

Biometric authentication identifies customers based on physical characteristics (face, iris, fingerprint, etc.).

Compared to a four-digit PIN, biometric security is simply:

  • More secure (it is harder to forge or copy)
  • Faster (just look at your phone or place your finger on the sensor to authorise the transaction)

With biometric authentication, no one can use an account even if they know the security code.

How to enable biometric security on Sumeria?

With the latest phones, customers can set up and use the following technologies to unlock the screen:

  • Facial recognition ("Face ID" with an Apple phone)
  • Fingerprint recognition ("Touch ID" with Apple)

To enable one of these technologies, customers must first set it up in their phone's security settings (often in the "Phone Lock" menu).

It can then be activated each time the customer reconnects, or from the "Security and privacy" screen if the customer is already logged in.

👉 Biometric security allows customers to make quick contactless payments with a phone. To learn more about contactless mobile payment, read this article.

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