Customers can create one or more basic spending accounts from the application to help them better allocate their spending and budget.

Create one or more spending accounts

Create an account dedicated to each category of monthly expenditure: going out, shopping, eating out, etc.

Other types of account dedicated to savings and budget management are also available in the application. A savings assistance and optimisation service is included with these account types. Find out more.

Managing a spending account

The customer can then credit the spending account and link the card to it according to the category of expenditure to come. Find out more about spending methods.

customers can also rectify the source of payment for a card transaction after the purchase. Find out more.

Manage a shared spending account

Customers can share a spending account with other members. Find out more.

History and receipt of a spending account

From the home screen, customers can access the history of all their expense accounts. They can also access the history of a particular account from the detailed account view, as well as account statements. Find out more.

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