It's possible to activate an online page for each money pot, to facilitate contributions and extend them to people who don't have the application. Money raised via the online page will go directly into the associated money pot.

Activate and share an online page

Customers can click on their account from the home page, then on "Online page settings" to activate and personalize the page. The "Share" button is used to transfer the link of the online page to contacts.

Customization of the online page

From the "Online page settings", it can be activated or deactivated, as well as customized:

  • change the online page name ;
  • enter a description for the online page;
  • insert a cover photo;
  • participate with an IBAN ;
  • activate or deactivate the display of the total amount collected and/or the balance currently available.
The total amount collected represents all contributions made. The sum displayed does not take into account the commissions applied to bank card contributions via the online payment form.
The IBAN deactivation/reactivation takes 5 minutes to take effect on the online page.

The IBAN can be used to receive instant or standard transfers (2 to 3 working days).
The IBAN cannot be used to set up direct debits.

Ways to credit an account via an online page

The customer contacts can participate in the money pot via his online page in different ways:

  • with the application, if the participant has an account linked to the telephone number entered a payment request will be received in the application ;
  • by bank card, by entering their card numbers in the form on the online page ;
  • by bank transfer, if the creator of the online page has activated this option. Participants can make a transfer to the IBAN displayed (classic or instant transfer).
Contributions made with credit cards from the online page are subject to a 2,5% commission on the amount received by the organizer (0,10 € minimum.) Consult pricing and limits of Lydia's services.
In order to participate by bank transfer, some banks require to add a beneficiary prior to perform the transfer. In this case, the customer can enter the first and last name of the money pot organiser and if required the BIC is LYDIFRP2XXX.

Every time someone chips in, a payment receipt will appear in your history showing the participant's first and last name (or phone number) and the amount credited.

Spend the money collected

The funds collected through an online page can be kept on Sumeria or transferred to another account of the customer.

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