Customers can pay in any store using Samsung Pay contactless mobile payment. They just have to approach their Samsung device to the merchant's payment terminal. Payment instantly goes through.

Why should I use Samsung Pay to pay in-store? 

When paying contactless, it is always better choosing a phone over a debit/credit card. Simply because...

  • It is safer than the card: every payment needs to be authorized thanks to biometric authentication or to a PIN code.
  • Fast: payment is made in less than a second. Users instantly receive a notification on their phone that sums up the transaction (amount, date, time).
  • Without amount limit: users can pay €1 or €1,000 using contactless mobile payment. On the contrary, credit cards are limited to €30 per contactless payment.

Paying with Samsung Pay in-store 

To use Samsung Pay to make an in-store payment, users just have to...

  • Unlock their Samsung device.
  • Launch the Samsung Pay app by swiping up from the home screen.
  • Choose the payment card.
  • Enter the PIN code or follow the chosen biometric authentication procedure (fingerprint, facial recognition).
  • Approach the Samsung device to the payment terminal to pay.

A "beep" sound effect will immediately indicate payment has been made.

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