You can combine the benefits of Sumeria+ with those of the black card for just €12.90 a month.

The black card

The black card is Sumeria's most advantageous card: in addition to the benefits of the classic card, it offers extensive limits, insurances, a concierge service and preferential customer service. All for just €9.90 a month.

Black card exclusive benefits
  • A Visa Debit black card: customizable, to pay anywhere with no fees incurred, be it in France or abroad
  • Extensive limits: spending limits up to €25,000 a month, option to have 3 valid physical cards, higher amount of ATM withdrawals
  • Insurance: travel, winter sports, coverage for means of payment and online purchases for the customers and their loved ones
  • Concierge service: via text message or WhatsApp to meet your needs
  • Sumeria customer service: via telephone appointments

In addition, the card is
  • Connected: you can activate or block it at any time from the application. You can also control your spending limits, turn on or off "contactless" payments, online payments, ATM withdrawals and transactions abroad.
  • Multi-accounts: you can change the account debited with your card at any time from the account detail.
  • Perfect for trips abroad: no fees are incurred for customers using their card abroad, within applicable limits. Learn more.

The Sumeria+ offer

Sumeria+ is Sumeria's paying offer dedicated to assisted savings. It offers a programme that aims to help you develop good savings habits. Several savings and financial management tools are available, such as the option to round up payments to the nearest euro, expenses categorization, etc. Assistance via a support dedicated to this offer is also included. 

A programme based on the creation of a major project

This assisted savings programme is based on the creation, preparation, and tracking of a major project. The purpose of this major project is to help you identify a project that will motivate you to adopt new savings habits. It can have a medium or long term focus (plan for the future, long travel, important purchase...). This major project materializes with an account in-app. 

Description of the assisted savings tools

Start of the month transfer: from the Sumeria+ centre, you can activate the start of the month wire transfer. You can set an amount and a date when you will be reminded to confirm the wire transfer.

Rounding up to the nearest euro: rounding up to the nearest euro allows you to automatically save the remaining cents between the price you paid and the nearest euro. For example, for an expense of €2.35, €0.65 will automatically be saved. Rounding up to the nearest euro applies to all transactions made by card, whether physical, digital or virtual.

You can freely enable or disable rounding up to the nearest euro for expenses linked to a shared account. If turned on, the payment will be debited from the shared account and the extra amount for the rounding up will be debited from your own main account.

Project accounts: in addition to the major project defined when setting up Sumeria+, you can create other project accounts for which you want to save money. Each project account can be used to save money ahead of a planned expense (Christmas gift, summer holidays…). You can create as many accounts as you have projects for which you want to save money.

Assisted savings games are a great way to save up in a simple and fun way. You can enable the games from your in-app Sumeria+ Centre to receive a weekly notification prompting you to play the game.

Activating these tools is recommended to save efficiently.

How the programme works on a daily basis

During the month, the money saved thanks to the Sumeria+ tools is credited, by default, on the cash reserve. At the end of the month, you are offered to allocate part of the money on the cash reserve to your major project (or to your other project accounts). The money remaining in your cash reserve can be used to cover for unexpected expenses in your daily life. This is why we recommend to always keep part of the money you collected in your cash reserve, so you don't have to borrow from your major project if needed.

The money saved up and stored in the cash reserve earns 4% interests, just like the other accounts.
Description of budgeting tools

Budgeting accounts: you can create budgeting accounts that enable you to track transactions for a specific expense type (Leisure, Shopping, Groceries...). You can create as many budgeting accounts as you have expense types. You can allocate a budget to each of your accounts and a gauge will allow you to track your spending over the course of the month, enabling you to manage your budget more effectively.

Monitoring charts and expenses categorization: monitoring charts allow you to visualize your spending pace over time, as well as the category associated with each transaction. You can configure them depending on the view you want to have (by time period, by account, by expense type).

Fixed expenses tracking: you can fill in fixed expenses (expense type, amount, billing date) and access the full list in your Sumeria+ Centre. Notifications a few days before the billing date as well as dedicated budgeting account will help you anticipate these expenses.

Alerts: to help you keep a close eye on your expenses and budget, you can set up personalized alerts for each of your accounts. You can therefore be alerted when your balance is too low, when an expense exceeds a specific amount or for other scenarios. Learn more.

Price and commitment

A 12-month commitment is applied for the subscription to this bundle offer as of the subscription date. You can choose to pay: 

  • annually for €129 (that's 2 months for free compared to monthly payment)
  • monthly for €12.90 a month

The offer is automatically renewed until you terminate the subscription from the “Sumeria offers” screen in-app. 

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