One game every week to save up a few euros

The savings game is an integral part of the Sumeria+ programme, to save up in a simple and fun way. If customers enable this feature from their Sumeria+ Centre (in the mobile app), they will receive a notification each week inviting them to take up the game.

Enabling the game

To enjoy this feature, customers must have purchased the Sumeria+ programme and enabled the savings game from the "My assisted savings tools" screen in their Sumeria+ Centre.

How the game works

Upon accepting the game, customers will be asked to choose between 4 tokens appearing on screen. Each token is linked to a value (minimum €2). The token customers pick will decide how much will be transferred from their main account to their cash reserve.

If the main account balance is insufficient, customers will be prompted to top it up. If the main account does not get topped up, the token amount will not be added to customers' cash reserve.
Customers can decline to take up the game by tapping "Skip my turn". After accepting the game, customers can exit it at any time by tapping the cross in the top right-hand side corner.
Token placement

Tokens are arranged randomly.

Token values

Token value is set beforehand by Sumeria teams and is the same for all customers. So token value is set before customers choose to take up or decline the game.

Payment source used

By default, the payment source is the main account. However, customers can choose to change the payment source to another account opened in the books of Lydia Solutions. They can do so at the end of the game, when they are asked to confirm the transfer to their cash reserve.

Disabling the game

Customers can disable the game at any time from their Sumeria+ Centre, which will also end the weekly notifications.

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