Subscription and billing cycle

To subscribe to Lydia+, customers must navigate to the "Lydia versions" screen accessible from the "Accounts" screen.

  • To subscribe, customers must agree to the Terms and Conditions applicable to the offer.
  • The subscription will be debited on the customer's main account (monthly or annual payment).
  • The next billing date is visible on the "Lydia versions". A bill will be sent via email a month after the start of the subscription.
Customers using V.13 of the appliation can no longer subscribe to Lydia+. However, they can subscribe to the black card and/or to Sumeria+.

Payment source

As of V.13 of the application, subscriptions are debited on the customers’ main account.

Customers who subscribed to Lydia+ with an external card keep this payment source on V.13. However, if they want to change their payment source, the main account will be the only source offered.

Terminate the offer

Customers will keep the Lydia+ status until the end of their current subscription period. As of the end date of their subscription, customers can no longer enjoy the benefits linked to Lydia+.

For version V.13 of the application: customers can terminate their offer following the instructions from the "Sumeria offers" screen, accessible from the "Profile and settings" screen.

For version V.12 of the application: customers can terminate their offer following the instructions from the "Lydia versions" screen, accessible from the "Accounts" screen.

👉 This page lists the pricing and limits applicable to our offers.

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