The video selfie is an account authentication method implemented by Sumeria. Customers may be asked to take a video selfie in two situations: when requesting a password reset or to get their identity verified.

To record a video selfie, customers must film themselves facing the camera and speak out loud, following the on-screen instructions.

Video selfies are not compulsory. If customers don't want to record a video selfie, they have proceed otherwise.

Why this choice? 

The video selfie is a more secure solution, difficult to falsify, due to :

  • The use of random phrases or movements ;
  • Human verifications of the selfies. Where a machine might have difficulty discerning a video overlay or a situation that looks suspicious, a person will have an easier time detecting them. It takes a little longer, but it's worth it. Validation time is generally between 3 and 5 minutes.

At Sumeria, only the teams responsible for checking the customer's identity have access to these videos. These files are never shared with third-party services without the express consent of the user.

Whatever documents are transmitted (video selfie included), Sumeria respects the personal data protection policy as defined here.

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