List of prohibited activities when using Lydia services

The Individual or Professional Customer is prohibited from using the Service to purchase goods or services related to illegal activities, contrary to public order or morality, including but not limited to activities:

  • Directly or indirectly threatening, insulting, defamatory, discriminatory, racist, xenophobic, homophobic or otherwise injurious to the honour or reputation of others;
  • Degrading or that threatens human dignity;
  • Inciting to commit an offence, a misdemeanour, a crime or an act of terrorism or glorifying war crimes or crimes against humanity;
  • Offering or proposing online gambling services not authorised by the regulations (including, where applicable, instant win services) or gambling services prohibited by the regulations, which are based on the requirement of a financial sacrifice by the player and which could lead to the belief that there is an expectation of a win of any kind;
  • Allowing third parties to obtain directly or indirectly illegal substances or products;
  • Subject to a particular legal regime and exercised in violation of this regime (e.g. tourist agents, medical professions, legal professions, etc.);
  • Related to the acquisition, use or transfer of cryptocurrencies in an unreasonable, abusive or professional manner and/or as part of an overall fraudulent transactional scheme in the absence of specific security protocols and monitoring of financial flows.
Lydia keeps the right to refuse certain activities on a discretionary basis in view of their controversial nature and/or the significant number of frauds to which they are subject.

In particular, the following are refused, without this list being exhaustive: 

  • Paid appointments (for the practice of prostitution and its derivative forms);
  • Pornography and any other form of cinematographic work prohibited to minors;
  • Products or services of an erotic nature;
  • The sale of cannabidiol (CBD) or products containing it;
  • Spiritism or alternative medicine activities (hypnotists, mediums, cartomancers, energy specialists, magnetisers, shamans, etc.);
  • Activities related to the sale of weapons and training in the use of weapons;
  • The sale of electronic cigarettes and tobacco or related products;
  • Loans between individuals, including tontines;
  • Political associations or groups;
  • Religious associations or groups;
  • Cultural associations or groups without legal personality and/or whose practices and activities are controversial with regard to morality;
  • Companies created de facto or companies without legal personality;
  • Activities related to personal training accounts and the services they offer.

In case of use of the Service for such activities, Lydia keeps the right to terminate its relationship with the Customer.

Finally, the use of a Customer or Professional Account for cash flow purposes between different accounts or payment methods is expressly prohibited. “Back and forth” transactions, in particular between a deferred debit account and an immediate debit account, constitute an abuse of the Service. In case of repeated use of this type of transactions, Lydia reserves the right to close the Customer or Professional’s Account and/or to charge a penalty (see Pricing and Limits Appendix) for non-compliance with  the contractual documents that frame Lydia’s services, deducted directly from the Customer or Professional Account before its closure. 

If the Individual or Professional Customer wishes to obtain more information on the limits of use of his Account, he can contact the support department at the following e-mail address: 

If the Lydia Service is used for the purchase of products or services arising from the aforementioned activities, the Customer or Professional Account will be closed. The Individual or Professional Customer will also be liable for a penalty (see Pricing and Limits Appendix) for non-compliance with the contractual documents that frame Lydia’s services, which will be deducted directly from his Customer or Professional Account before it is closed.

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