Lottery Paris 2024

Clause 1: Giveaway organizer

Lydia Solutions, simplified joint stock company with a capital of €1,786,707, registered in Paris under the number 534 479 589 having its registered office at 14 avenue de l'Opéra, 75001 Paris (hereinafter referred to as the "Organizing Company") organizes a giveaway named "Paris 2024 Lottery" (hereinafter referred to as the "Giveaway") according to the terms and conditions defined in these regulations applicable to the Giveaway (hereinafter referred to as the "Regulations").

In the context of the Giveaway, the Organizing Company is also a partner of the Visa Europe Limited company established at 1 Sheldon Square, London W2 6TT, United Kingdom (hereinafter referred to as "Visa").

The French version of these Regulations prevails over the English version.

Clause 2: Duration of the Giveaway 

The Giveaway starts on May 29, 2024 and ends on June 7, 2024 at 11:59 pm (French date and time prevailing).

Clause 3: Terms and conditions of participation

3.1. Participation to the Giveaway implies full acceptance of the Regulations in their entirety as well as of the current laws and regulations in France.  The Regulations will be available to the Participants (as defined hereinafter) via the Internet website:

3.2. The Giveaway is exclusively open to any natural person of legal age and capacity, using the Sumeria mobile application developed and made available by Lydia Solutions (hereinafter referred to as "Application"), which can be downloaded for free on the compatible mobile application stores, and owning a payment card issued in their name by the Organizing Company (hereinafter referred to as the "Card"), who meet the criteria defined in the Regulations (hereinafter referred to as the "Participant(s)"). 

If a Participant doesn't want to enter the Giveaway, they must follow the procedure described on this page, so that the Organizing Company may delete their Giveaway entry.

3.3. The following people cannot enter the Giveaway: those who contravene to provisions of the Regulations, those having taken part directly or indirectly to the Giveaway conception, creation and/or management, including their cohabitee, their PACS partner, their spouse and ancestors, direct descendants or other relatives living under the same roof or not.

3.4. To enter the Giveaway, all Participants must make at least one payment with a Card. This payment must be of a minimum amount of fifty cents (€0.50) and be made to buy a good or a service, in compliance with the applicable regulations.

However, the following payment transactions made with the Card are excluded: 

  • payment transactions for prohibited activities, as defined in the List of prohibited activities when using the services
  • payment transactions linked to transactions for games and bets, including lottery tickets, casino tokens, bets and off-track betting
  • payment transactions made via a provider of banking services, payment, electronic money or investment other than the Organizing Company, its principles and its commercial partners
  • payment transactions consisting of bank accounts top ups, payments, electronic money or investment
  • transactions external to the payment account or electronic money account opened in the books of the Organizing Company and any other transaction that can directly or indirectly lead to the generation of cash money (also named "almost cash")
  • payment transactions that were not completed, didn't come to fruition, were refused, abandoned, stopped by unforeseeable circumstances and/or refunded by the payment beneficiary, and
  • payment transactions made in violation of the contract documents binding the Participant to the Organizing Company, including those relating to the use of the payment account opened in the books of said company and/or where applicable to the Card

3.5. The Organizing Company reserves the right to carry out any useful verification towards the Participants to verify the correct application of the Regulations. Failure to comply to the Regulations will result in the nullity of the Participant's entry without prejudice to any legal action to get compensation, when applicable, for any damage incurred by the Organizing Company and/or to protect their interests.

The Organizing Company also reserves the right to (i) disqualify at any time and without notice, any Participant having resorted to any practice that was fraudulent, abusive or aiming to circumvent the conditions of the Regulations or to distort the normal operation of said Regulations and the probabilities to win (hereinafter collectively referred to as "Fraudulent Use"), and (ii) take back the prize of any Participant having made a payment with money coming from any Fraudulent Use.

Clause 4: Conditions of Winners selection and notification

A random draw will take place daily throughout the whole duration of the Giveaway for all the Participants meeting the terms and conditions of entry as defined in the Regulations. This random draw will pick several winners every day among all the Participants (hereinafter referred to as the "Winner(s)").

Winners cannot combine more than one prize. In other words, they will be automatically taken out of the Participants list for the next random draws.

The Organizing Company will inform each Winner of their prize by telephone and/or by email as per the contact details entered by said Winner when they entered the Giveaway within a maximum of seven (7) working days following the day after the random draw. 

Should the Winner not answer the Organizing Company within a maximum of twenty-four (24) hours from the time of reception of the Organizing Company's message, the Organizing Company reserves the option to consider the Winner will be deemed to have waved their prize and the liability of the Organizing Company will not be engaged in that regard.

Winners will not, in any event, be able to claim they didn't take notice of the email and/or of any missed phone call notifying them of their prize in the period mentioned above to request to be granted the prize.

The Organizing Company will resort to an alternate winner, in chronological order, in the event of a waiver or of the non-reception by a Winner of their prize or if the participation of said Winner turned out to be invalid or for any cause preventing from giving them their prize. Winners cannot dispute any of these decisions and the prize will be lost for this winner without them being able to make any claim later on.

In case of a waiver of the prize by a Winner, the Organizing Company cannot be liable for the non-distribution of the prize and remains free to dispose of it as they please. 

For all intents and purposes, please note the Participants who haven't been drawn will not be notified and cannot claim any compensation or consideration of any kind.

Clause 5: Prize description

5.1. The Organizing Company offers the following prizes for a total value of €67,597 that will be allocated randomly to the Winners (including when applicable the alternate Winner): 

  • 20 Packs for the Olympic Games for two people* including 2 tickets to attend a 2024 Olympic Games sporting event, 2 prepaid Visa products for a value of €240, A guest gift for a value of €100, 2 accesses to the Visa 330/550 experience, and Assistance personnel at the Visa event
  • 24 Packs for the Paralympic Games for two people* including 2 tickets to attend a 2024 Paralympic Games sporting event, 2 prepaid Visa products for a value of €240, A guest gift for a value of €100, 2 accesses to the Visa 330/550 experience, and Assistance personnel at the Visa event
  • 4 "Night Packs" for two people** including 2 tickets to attend a 2024 Olympic Games sporting event, 1 night at the Paris Les Halles Novotel (3 stars) in a room for two people, 1 prepaid Visa product for a value of €100, Concierge Visa at the hotel, Airport/train station transport in Paris (via bus), Daily breakfast and light snacks available at the hotel, Parisian metro cards for transport to/from the Olympic events, Gifts/equipment for a value of €400 and Support personnel for the event, medical care and Visa safety

*The following are not included in the Packs for the Olympic and Paralympic Games: Flights, train, car, taxi or other travel costs (including flight to/from France); Safety and medical services; Meals, events and/or activities outside of the programme, including transportation; Translation services; Athlete appearances; Guest travel insurance, applicable taxes, entry visas for tourists and passports; Additional hotel fees (telephone, minibar, laundry, etc.).**The following are not included in the "Night Packs": Transport to/from Paris; any meal, event and/or activity outside of the programmed itinerary; additional hotel fees; passports and/or travel visas; any applicable taxes.

The value of each prize aforementioned is determined at the time these Regulations are drafted, and is mentioned for information purposes only.

5.2. For each prize aforementioned in clause 5.1, the Winner acknowledges and accepts that, to benefit from the prize, if the Winner comes with an underage person, they must be accompanied by their parents, or their legal guardian, who must necessarily be the Winner. The Organizing Company or if applicable Visa could ask this Winner for this authorization to validate the attribution of a prize.

Clause 6: Conditions of use of the prizes

6.1. Conditions of use of the prizes

6.1.1. All Winners undertake to appropriately use any prize they receive in the context of the Giveaway from the Organizing Company or if applicable Visa or one of its partners.

6.1.2. The Winner will comply with the terms of the Regulations as well as any rules of procedure or norm applicable to the prize, including any obligation or precaution relating to safety.

Additionally, the Winner vouches to the Organizing Company for the compliance to any rules of procedure or norm applicable to the prize, including safety measures, by the person they will appoint to benefit from the prize.

As such, the Winner acknowledges and accepts that any failure to comply to clause 6.1.2 may render them personally liable in regards to the Organizing Company.

6.1.3. All resales are strictly forbidden, including on the official Paris 2024 Olympic Games platform. 

All Winners acknowledge and accept the Organizing Company, Visa, or the Olympic Games organizer would cancel the prize if it were to end up on the parallel market or on an online resale website, and thus without the Winner being able to claim any kind of compensation or consideration, it being stated that in such a case, the Organizing Company, Visa, or the Olympic Games organizer reserves the option to pursue legal action against said Winner.

6.2. Information regarding the use of the prizes

6.2.1. All Participants acknowledge and accept the Organizing Company and Visa are not liable for the Giveaway administration. The Organizing Company is not liable for the consequences of the Giveaway, including the allocation and/or use of the prizes. 

All prizes must be accepted as is and are subjected to the terms applicable to these prizes, including the verification of necessary sanctions. By accepting the prize, the Winner, as defined in clause 4 of these Regulations, is deemed to have accepted all the applicable conditions stipulated for this prize, including the terms of participation and all requirements linked to measures imposed due to COVID-19 (or any other similar measure). 

The prize in not negotiable, and the Winner (or their guest, when applicable) shall not resell or transfer the prize in any way, unless otherwise agreed. In the event the prize is unavailable, the Organizing Company reserves the right to replace it with a price of equal or superior value. All substitution is left at the discretion of the Organizing Company. Any refusal from the Winner shall result in the loss of the prize, even in case of a replacement, and the Winner will not be able to claim any consideration of any kind. 

Within the limits provided by the law, the Organizing Company and Visa, as well as their companies and associated representatives, shall not be liable for any issue stemming from: (i)the postponement, cancellation or material modification of the Giveaway; and (ii) any action or failure from the Winner or their guest leading to the Winner or their guest not being able to activate the prize and/or one of its elements. 

By entering this Giveaway, all Participants acknowledge and accept they are granted no right (including any right of publicity, marketing or referral) in relation to the Organizing Company or to the Giveaway (or any associated competition, game, team or athlete) and that the Participant will not conduct any marketing or publicity campaign, no promotion or any other relating activity. 

6.2.2. All allocated prizes cannot be disputed, refunded in cash or exchanged or replaced by their full or partial corresponding value, in kind or in cash by the Organizing Company.

6.2.3. The Organizing Company will not provide any service or guarantee regarding the use of its prize.

Clause 7: Regulations availability

Anyone can view, download and print the Regulations online at the following address:, and thus from May 29, 2024 and for the whole duration of the Giveaway.

A copy of the Regulations can also be addressed via letter if requested in writing on plain paper including, stated legibly, their complete details (first and last name, mailing address) before the end of a period of ten (10) working days from the end date of the Giveaway (as attested by the date on the postmark) at the Organizing Company's address, stated on the header of the Regulations.

In any case, all requests that are incomplete, illegible, sent to another address than the one aforementioned or sent after the expiration of the period aforementioned (as attested by the date on the postmark) will be considered void.

In case of an eventual extension or delay of the Giveaway, the deadline for sending the request to get sent the Regulations will be reported as such.

Clause 8: Giveaway modification

The Organizing Company reserves the right to modify, delay, extend, shorten or cancel the whole Giveaway or part of it should the circumstances compel them to and without being liable in any manner of this fact. No compensation can be requested in this context.

In such cases, the Organizing Company will do its best to notify the Participants, and when applicable the Winners, by any means.

Clause 9: Protection of personal data

In the context of the Giveaway, the Organizing Company collects personal data on all Participants. This data allows the Organizing Company to verify if the eligibility requirements are met by the Winner, and when applicable, it allows the Organizing Company, Visa or when applicable its partners to reach out to the Winner to give them their prize.

As such, the organizing Company processes the following data categories. 

  • Identification details: first name(s), last name, date of birth, mailing address.
  • Contact details: email address, phone number.
  • Payment details: payment transactions made by the Participant with the Card during the duration of the Giveaway (including the amount, the time and place and/or the name or the vendor where the payment transaction was made by the Participant).

In the context of the Giveaway, all Participants have a right to access, rectify, erase, limit the processing and the portability of their data. Participants also have the right to oppose the processing for reasons linked to their specific situation and the right to oppose at any moment the processing of their data for commercial prospecting purposes. 

Participants may exercise their rights over data and contact the Lydia Solutions Data Protection Officer as follows:

  • via letter sent to: Lydia Solutions, Data Protection Officer, 14 Avenue de l’Opéra, 75001 Paris, France
  • via email at: 

Information on data processing can be found in the Privacy Policy.

Personal information provided in the context of this Giveaway can be transmitted to third parties such as Visa, its associated companies and its service providers to the extent that it is necessary for the execution, delivery and organization of the price and, when it is provided to Visa, it is processed in compliance with Visa's privacy policy (available here: 

Clause 10: Liability

10.1. The liability of the Organizing Company is strictly limited to the delivery of the prizes effectively and adequately won.

10.2. It is expressively reminded that the Internet network is not a secure network. As such, entering this Giveaway implies all Participants acknowledge and accept the characteristics and limits of the Internet network, especially regarding technical performances, response times to view, question or transfer information, risks of interruption, and more generally, inherent risks to any connection and transmission on the Internet as a whole, the absence of protection for some data against eventual hijacking and the risks of contamination by eventual viruses on the Internet network.

Consequently, the Organizing Company cannot be held liable for the contamination by eventual viruses or for the intrusion of a third party in the system of the Giveaway Participants' terminal and accepts no liability regarding the consequences of the Participants' connection to the network.

In particular, the Organizing Company cannot be liable for any damage caused to the Participants, their IT equipment and the data stored on it, as well as the potential implications on their personal or professional activities. All participants must take the appropriate measures to protect their own data and/or software stored on their IT equipment against any attack. Entering the Giveaway is the sole liability of each Participant.

10.3. The Organizing Company may cancel all or part of the Giveaway should it appear that fraud of any kind has been committed, in particular computer fraud in the context of the participation to the Giveaway or of the appointment of the Winner. In such a case, the Organizing Company reserves the right not to allocate the prizes to the fraudsters and/or to pursue legal action against the fraud perpetrators.

10.4. The Organizing Company will do its best to grant access to the Giveaway at any time, without being required to enter.  The Organizing Company may at any time, including for technical reasons, updates or maintenance, suspend the Giveaway. The Organizing Company shall not in any case be responsible for these interruptions and their consequences.

10.5. Notwithstanding preceding provisions, the Organizing Company, VISA and the Paris 2024 Olympic Games organizer shall not be liable for damages, direct or indirect, irrespective of the cause, origin, nature or consequence, even if they had been notified of the possibility of such damages caused by: (i) force majeure, circumstances that are beyond their control (fraud, fraud attempt, etc.), or any other conditions that would require it, should the Giveaway be modified, suspended, extended, shortened or cancelled, (ii) the failure of any reception material or communication lines, (iii) the loss of any paper or electronic mail and, more generally, the loss of any data, (iv) delivery issues, especially regarding the prizes, (v) technical, material or software failure of any kind, (vi) using or benefiting from their prize; any complaint regarding this subject is to be directly addressed by the Winner to the supplier of the relevant prize, (vii) eventual strikes or legal or regulatory provisions preventing the Winners from fully benefiting from their prize, (viii) the Participants entering incorrect information for which the Organizing Company cannot reasonably be expected, in regard to the information and resources it possesses, to identify it as constituting a violation of the Regulations. 

In any case, the Organizing Company accepts no liability in case of losses caused by events beyond its control and/or volition as well as for any damage that may be suffered during the participation to the event and/or during the stay.

Clause 11: Evidence agreement

The Organizing Company implemented the technical means necessary to demonstrate the participation or non-participation of a Participant. It is therefore agreed that, save for an obvious error, the data stored in the information systems of the Organizing Company has evidential value regarding the connection elements and the information of a computer processing regarding the Giveaway.

Thus, save for an obvious error, the Organizing Company can take precedence, especially regarding proof of any action, fact or omission, of the programmes, data, files, recordings, transactions and other elements (such as monitoring reports or other status) of computers or electronic kind, format or medium, established, received or stored directly or indirectly by the Organizing Company, including in its information systems.

Participants shall not dispute the admissibility, validity or evidential value of the aforementioned elements of computers or electronic kind, format or medium, on the basis of any legal provision specifying that some documents must be written or signed by the parties to constitute evidence. Thus, the given elements constitute evidence and, if they are provided as means of evidence by the Organizing Company in any contentious procedure or other, they will be admissible, allowable and opposable between the Parties in the same manner, under the same conditions and with the same evidential value as any written drafted, admissible or preserved document.

Clause 12: Intellectual property

All names, brands, copyrights, drawings, models and other intellectual property rights mentioned in the Regulations or on the mediums dedicated to the Giveaway remain the exclusive property of their author, depositor, and/or owner. In addition, in accordance with French intellectual property law, the reproduction, representation and exploitation of all or part of the elements of the Giveaway, including the brands that are featured, are strictly forbidden.

Clause 13: Complaints

Regarding any eventual issue or complaint related to the Giveaway, all Participants can reach the department in charge of processing complaints:

  • via email sent to:
  • via letter at: Lydia Solutions. Complaints department. 14 Avenue de l’Opéra, 75001 Paris 

As part of the processing of complaints, all Participants accept to receive registered letters with electronic acknowledgement of receipt, as defined under article L.100 of the French Post and Electronic Communications Code.

Lydia Solutions undertakes to confirm receipt of the complaint under ten (10) working days and respond under two (2) months, save in exceptional cases.

No request made orally or via telephone will be met.

Clause 14: Governing law and competent jurisdiction

These Regulations are subject to French law.

If one or several provisions of the Regulations had to be cancelled are declared ineffective, this would not nullify the entirety of the Regulations or of its other provisions and this would not affect the enforcement of the commitments taken by the parties under the Regulations.

The Organizing Company and the Giveaway Participants shall strive to amicably resolve any dispute resulting from the interpretation or the implementation of these Regulations. If the disagreement persists, it shall be submitted to the competent courts.

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